The unemployment tax rate is the only tax rate that YOU can control. From the rising consequences of non-compliance to the erroneous actions made daily by the state, why wouldn’t you want to ensure that you are paying the lowest rate possible? At DCR, we meticulously monitor tax and claim accuracy while taking a proactive approach to claims to effectively safeguard your tax rate.
New legislation continues to be passed, and we know how hard it can be to stay updated. The consequences of non-compliance are becoming a rising problem among employers and subsequently cost them thousands. Our premier services, ranging from initial claims to hearings, will take the burden off of your hands so that you can be sure that nothing slips through the cracks.
Our state-of-the-art computer system is integrated with SIDES (the National Unemployment Insurance State Information Data Exchange System) to ensure expedited and accurate claims responses. This system increases efficiency as it streamlines the information necessary to obtain a favorable ruling, saving the employer both time and money.
Your unemployment tax rate is important to us, and that is why we closely monitor all payments made by state agencies. Erroneous payments occur regularly and undoubtedly lead to higher tax rates. When we continuously audit your benefit charge statements, we guarantee that these mistakes will be protested and accounted for.
Below is an assortment of our service options:
- Web-based access and tiered services
- Real-time claims status and account activity reports
- Educational seminars and workshops
- Client conferences
- Analysis and verification of tax rates
- Voluntary contribution advice
- Written protests of incorrect tax rates
- Charges and credits review
- Protests of erroneous charges
- Timely claim processing and response
- Claim form direct mailing
- Protests and appeals of improper claims decisions
- Hearings and client preparation
For more info or to contact us click here