Alternative Unemployment Funding for Non-profits

Alternative Unemployment Funding for Non-profits

How can your nonprofit organization avoid the high cost of the State Unemployment Insurance taxes?  Consider altering the method by which you fulfill that unemployment responsibility to a method that allows greater financial control. 

Dunn Corporate Resources has partnered with First Nonprofit, a leader in UI funding programs for non-profits, to offer the highest possible service combined with the most comprehensive programs available to employers.

Some of the advantages of the programs include:

  • Fixed annual cost
  • Budgetary certainty
  • Insurance protection
  • Improved cash flow through equal quarterly
  • Professional claims management and cost audits
  • Reimbursement payments to state agencies for
    individual claims
  • Posting of collateral (surety bonds) with state
    unemployment agencies
  • Interest-bearing reserve account with stop-loss

To find out more about the advantages of using our programs compared to that of the state, contact us today and one of our client managers will be happy to help!