US Department of Labor Issues Staggering Fiscal Year Improper Unemployment Payment Data

US Department of Labor Issues Staggering Fiscal Year Improper Unemployment Payment Data

The US Department of Labor has issued 2021 Fiscal Year data which breaks down the improper payments by state including improper payment percentages and total dollar amounts.  These overpayment rates are staggering with Virginia and Florida topping the charts at and 49% and 48% respectively.  To put this in perspective, if an employer was charged for $100,000 in unemployment benefits an average of $49,000 is erroneous!

Below is the link to the US Department of Labor Unemployment Insurance Payment Accuracy Datasets:

How can you be sure that your accounts are not being charged improperly? Dunn Corporate Resources implements stringent auditing standards to ensure that our clients are not charged for claims that they should not be.  Our computer systems and auditing teams are constantly monitoring all charges to accounts and protesting erroneous charges.

Contact us today to find out how we help to control unemployment costs and ensure the lowest possible unemployment expenses!